Covid – 19 Antibody Testing at the CRP Clinic
Available from the 11th May 2020
What is a Covid -19 (SARS-CoV-2) Antibody Blood Test?
An antibody blood test can tell whether a person has been previously infected. Most patients who recover from coronavirus have been found to produce antibodies known as IgG antibodies. The majority of people with COVID-19 have uncomplicated or mild illness (81%), with non-specific symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough (with or without sputum production), anorexia, malaise, muscle pain, sore throat, dyspnoea, nasal congestion, or headache. Rarely, patients may also present with diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Loss of taste and smell has been reported early in the infection.
Some people may not even know if they have had the infection, and by knowing your immune status, this may help in planning your health and medical requirements at least in the short term. It is not yet known if an individual with a positive result showing presence of IgG levels following being infected with Coronavirus will be protected, either fully or partially from future infection or how long protective immunity may last, but if the virus behaves like other known Coronaviruses, most likely the immunity will last for a reasonable time if not permanent.
Test Accuracy
- Testing should be undertaken at 14 days or more after symptoms onset. The incubation period of Covid -19 ranges from between 1-14 days. The presence of IgG antibodies allows identification of people who have been infected by SARS-CoV-2.
- The specificity of the test is 100% that is the ability of the test to correctly identify those without the disease (true negative rate).
- The minimum test sensitivity is 98% that is the ability of a test to correctly identify those with the disease (true positive rate), making our offered test as one of the best available globally.
How long do I wait for the results?
Results will be available in 48 hours.
How do I book this test?
Booking the blood test can be done via email to nurses@crpclinic.co.uk or office@crpclinic.co.uk or contacting us by appointments telephone 01372 232 221 where you can leave a message for a return call. *Calls not returnable without a message*
Due to a higher number of tests available, we have reduced our testing prices. Discounts available for large groups (5+), contact for more information.
Registered patient at CRP Clinic – £45.00 per test
Healthcare Worker – £45.00 per test
Non – Registered – £60.00 per test
What if my result is positive as a registered patient?
You will be asked to make an appointment by contacting office@crpclinic.co.uk to see a consultant to discuss the start/resumption of your pregnancy treatment plan options.
What if my result is positive as a non- registered patient, wanting to achieve a pregnancy or discuss your result?
You can register at the clinic as a new patient by contacting office@crpclinic.co.uk or via our website using the submission form.
Reference: PCR and IgG TDL Update May 2020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]