Policies with the following insurance companies are accepted by CRP Clinic.
BUPA – We are unable to claim on behalf of patients for any Testing and/or Investigations. Therefore
patients insured with BUPA will be invoiced on self- pay basis for their tests etc. and we will invoice
BUPA for Consultations only.
Important Information:
It is important you understand the coverage your insurer provides as you will be responsible for the costs of your treatment. Before attending your initial consultation you should contact your insurance company to check what cover will be provided. You should also check your policy for any limits on the amount you can claim on certain types of treatment. Most policies will have an excess amount on the policy and the majority will not cover any medication costs.
When you forwarding us your registration form and medical history sheet prior to you initial consultation please also make sure you have informed us of your Insurers company details, membership/policy number and a pre-authorisation number.
If you do not have sufficient cover on your policy or there is an excess your Insurance Company will inform you and also notify us. We will then invoice you for the balance payable.
If you have any financial queries please contact: office@crpclinic.co.uk