Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists – Coronavirus infection and pregnancy: 2021-12-06-coronavirus-covid-19-infection-in-pregnancy-v14.2

Government guidance:

Updated advice on COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy and women who are breastfeeding:,76V1U,78DGYG,T4RHJ,1

Coronavirus Update

Non-pregnant women on any immune therapy should stick with the advise we have given during your consultation with regards to following the usual general PHE recommendations about social distancing, wearing a mask, washing hands, avoiding crowded places. We also advise those on prednisolone or GCSF to have a 1 month break after 4 cycles.

As per current Public Health England advice, all patients coming to a medical facility should be required to wear a face mask/covering.

We understand this must be an unsettling time for all couples who are either trying to get pregnant or those who are already pregnant, in particular if you are on medications. 

We would like to emphasise that we will try to support you as much as we can and will endeavour to respond to your queries in a timely manner. We are currently working as hard as possible despite some of our staff self-isolating. It is important to note that attending antenatal and scan appointments when you are pregnant is essential to ensure the wellbeing of pregnant women and their babies, and we would urge all pregnant women who are well, to attend their care as advised by their health professionals. 

If you have symptoms of possible coronavirus infection, you should call to defer your visit until after the isolation period is over. You should also follow NHS England advise on possible coronavirus infection or exposure by clicking on the link: 

Kindly please be advised that all patients will be treated on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any appointment queries please contact us on and for medical queries on